Risk-Based Internal Audit

Risk-Based Internal Audit: How to Prioritize, Plan and Mitigate Risks

Your company’s sensitive information is plastered across the internet. You seemed to be locked out of your system, and the ransom to get your access back is hefty, to say the least. You’re scrambling to understand what has happened, and the alarm goes off. Don’t worry; it’s a nightmare that I painted for you, at…

magnet with risk meter

Risk Control: 6 Key Measures With Example (2024)

Risk control is important for any kind of business. It safeguards your company’s assets while maintaining sustainable growth. But how effectively are you managing risks in your business? Are you following the essential control measures to eliminate and manage your cyber threats and vulnerabilities? The current market is volatile, and mastering how risk control works…

A Starter’s Guide To Strategic Risk Management

A Starter’s Guide To Strategic Risk Management

James Lam Associates, a consulting firm for risk management that works closely with CISOs, CROs, CFOs, and CEOs, conducted a study on the principal reason organizations suffer financial distress. The research found that 61% of incidents were due to strategic risks, 30% to operational risks, and 9% to financial risks. In spite of such high…

cyber security risk assessment
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How To Perform a Cyber Security Risk Assessment?

Digital assets and data are the lifeblood of every organization today. But as with everything precious, they’re constantly at risk of being unlawfully accessed, tampered with, stolen, or transmitted. Such malicious actions can not only cause irreparable harm and damage to the organization but can severely hamper future business prospects.  Cyber risk assessments are periodical…

compliance vs risk management
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Compliance vs. Risk Management: 5 Key Differences & Top Tools For Each

A report by Bloomsberg states that companies are spending 6-10% of their revenue solely on compliance! Furthermore, over 50% of executives see cybercrime as a top five risk now and in the next three years, with concerns rising. The above statistics are pieces of evidence that in the absence of compliance, you can lose money…

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