Mastering FISMA Compliance: Essential Requirements Explained

FISMA Requirements: List of Official Mandates and Practices

The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) is a United States law that came into effect in 2002. Its goal is to guide federal agencies handling sensitive government information systems to develop, document, implement, and maintain security programs that protect their information systems. FISMA also focuses on developing risk-based policy for cost-effective security.  In this…

fisma vs fedramp

Fisma vs FedRAMP Certification – Major Differences and Similarities

For Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) and companies wanting to work with United States Federal Government agencies, getting certified is crucial. However, there needs to be more clarity about which certification to go for. When it comes to working with the government, the main certifications you need to know about are FedRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization…

Ensuring Federal Information Security: Essentials of FISMA Compliance

Ensuring Federal Information Security: Essentials of FISMA Compliance

2015 saw one of the most notable data breaches related to the U.S. government. Hackers had gained access to 22.1 million records of federal employees from the US. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), including sensitive information such as Social Security Numbers, addresses, etc. The breach led to incidents of identity theft and national security risks—all…

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