Bytes & Budgets: Navigating Downturns as a CISO

April 25, 10am ET

Join us on April 25, 10 am ET to learn practical tips and strategies for balancing security needs with budget constraints.

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🤝 Connect with the brightest minds in security! 🤝

Join us on April 25 at 10am ET for a must-attend virtual event featuring top CISOs sharing their insights on how to tackle the challenges of navigating downturns. Get expert tips on managing budgets, maintaining security, and more.

Key takeaways 🔥
🎯 Learn how to effectively balance financial and technical considerations in decision-making
🎯 Strategies for navigating budget cuts and resource constraints while maintaining cybersecurity programs
🎯 Tips for identifying cost-effective security solutions that align with organisational goals
🎯 Communication best practices to share the value of cybersecurity to executives and stakeholders

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