Glossary of Compliance

Compliance Glossary

Our list of curated compliance glossary offers everything you to know about compliance in one place.

Glossary » CCPA » De-Identifed Data

De-Identifed Data

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), de-identified data refers to any information that can’t be reasonably linked back to a specific person. If you’re working with data, this is a crucial concept to help you protect privacy while still using that data effectively.

De-identifying data facilitates adherence to laws such as the CCPA. It lowers the possibility of data breaches or illegal access by enabling you to analyze information without disclosing anyone’s personal information. This protects individual privacy while enabling you to obtain information and make wise decisions.

You must make sure that de-identified data cannot be linked back to a specific person in order to comply with the CCPA’s requirements. You will need to ensure that there are strong protective measures to prevent the re identification of data  

As long as you stick to these rules, you’re free to collect, use, and even sell de-identified data without treating it as personal information. This means you can still get value from the data while protecting privacy.

However, de-identification isn’t something you do once and forget about. 

As technology progresses, data that’s considered safe today could become identifiable in the future. There’s also a risk that combining different datasets could reveal personal information. That’s why it’s important to regularly review and update your processes to stay compliant with the CCPA.

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